There were 11 deaths from chronic lower respiratory diseases reported in Idaho in the week ending Oct. 15, making up five% of total deaths by all causes in Idaho.
Today we honor firefighters, police officers, emergency medical technicians, paramedics, and 911 operators who take immediate action to save lives during an emergency.
There were 13 deaths with COVID-19 listed as a contributing cause reported in Idaho during the week ending Oct. 22, 2022, an increase over the previous week.
There were less than 10 deaths from diabetes mellitus reported in Idaho in the week ending Oct. 15, making up less than 4.6% of total deaths by all causes in Idaho.
On the night of October 16th, Idaho State Police (ISP) responded to the report of a hit-and-run collision between a vehicle and a bicyclist near the intersection of S. State St and E. 4800 S. in Franklin County.
There were 70 deaths with heart disease listed as the underlying cause reported in Idaho during the week ending Oct. 22, 2022, a 22.8% increase over the previous week.
There were less than 10 deaths from influenza and pneumonia reported in Idaho in the week ending Oct. 15, making up less than 4.6% of total deaths by all causes in Idaho.
There were less than 10 deaths from nephritis, nephrotic syndrome and nephrosis reported in Idaho in the week ending Oct. 15, making up less than 4.6% of total deaths by all causes in Idaho.
There were less than 10 deaths with COVID-19 listed as the underlying cause reported in Idaho in the week ending Oct. 8, making up less than 4.5% of total deaths by all causes in Idaho.
There were 56 deaths with cancer listed as the underlying cause reported in Idaho during the week ending Oct. 22, 2022, a 3.4% decrease from the previous week.
There were 14 deaths with cerebrovascular disease listed as the underlying cause reported in Idaho during the week ending Oct. 22, 2022, a 16.7% increase over the previous week.
There were 10 deaths with COVID-19 listed as a contributing cause reported in Idaho in the week ending Oct. 8, making up 4.5% of total deaths by all causes in Idaho.
On October 15th, Mallory Johnson from Eastern Idaho Public Health was at Idaho Falls Community Reentry Center to do Narcan training for residents and staff.